A Secular Education Programme
Quiz Section

        Do you want to know?                                                                                          Page 1

What is our first impression when we think of the past? The rulers, their lives and their actions? Do we see them as Hindu or Muslim, Sikh or Christian? Where have we got this impression of history from? Do we believe that all past rulers ruled and governed as either Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Sikh first and rulers or kings thereafter?

If this image of the past and our history is not quite the truth, why not look at history
and find out for ourselves what our kings, queens, saints and poets actually did
or said about each other?

This could be quite a lot of fun. Lets find out the real answers for ourselves,
from the history book in the library or at home, and catch out adults for giving us the
wrong answers. And remember to share with us the truths and falsehoods that you find.

Simply move your mouse cursor on answer.

1. Who were the Chief Commanders in Shivaji's Army ?

2. Who was Shivaji's most trusted foreign secretary ?

3. What was the name of one of Shivaji's most trusted servants who
     was always close to him and helped him to escape from Agra ?

4. What did Shivaji build right in front of his palace at Raigad next
    to the Jagadishver Temple where he went for daily worship ?


5. Who conferred a jagir and cash gift on the Temple
   Someshwar Nath Mahadev in the  Allahabad Municipality ?


6. Who conferred grants to the Mahakeshwara Temples in Ujjain,
    the Balaji Temple in Chitrakoot , the Umanand Temple in Guwahati
    and the Jain Temple of Shatrunjaya and other Gurudwaras
    scattered over Northern India ?


7. What happened when Tanashah , the ruler of Golconda ,
    after collecting  revenues of the state , did not pay his dues to Delhi that
    accumulated into crores and buried this treasure and
    erected the Jama Masjid over it ?

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